Pimicikamak take over Jenpeg Dam

Photo used from CBC at this link


Chief Cathy Merrick addressing the nation of Pimicikamak at Jenpeg

From their Pimicikamak Take Over Statement, issued today, Pimicikamak’s road map to positive change includes:

  • A public apology from Premier Greg Selinger for past and present harms suffered​ by all hydro-affected peoples and their lands.
  • A commitment from Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro to engage in a good-faith process to fulfill promises in the NFA, including measures related to community development, environmental mitigation and maximum employment opportunities.
  • A revenue sharing agreement and/or water rental arrangement with Pimicikamak.
  • A commitment from Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro to undertake a comprehensive review of how the northern hydropower system is operated with a view to minimizing environmental impacts.

Lots of press coverage yesterday and today.  Yesterday:

First Nation want to evict Hydro workers over flood damage concerns

Reserve, Hydro remain at odds

Cross Lake First Nation issues eviction notice to Manitoba Hydro, occupation …

Today – Manitoba Hydro has been evicted:

Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station

Hydro employees evicted from Jenpeg by Pimicikamak First Nation members

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Filed under Canada permitting, Media

TODAY – Hearings at 11 & 6 in Grand Rapids


October 15

Yesterday’s hearing in Bigfork was not well attended, but despite the poor turnout, those who did show up had a lot to say and asked many good questions.

What was odd about this is that Intervenors were not required to be there (I’d missed the hearings last week), and no witnesses.  Dept. of Commerce DER had no one there either.  Mike Kaluzniak stated that there was ONE intervenor, the Large Power Intervenors.  EH?  HELLO!  Residents and Ratepayers Against Not-so-Great-Northern Transmission (RRANT) is an Intervenor with full party status.

There was also a question and some information presented about alternate routes — note the next/final workgroup meeting is October 29.  These meetings are open to the public, so if you are interested in the where and when, contact Bill Storm of Commerce EERA: bill.storm@state.mn.us

The comments were insightful, though many pertained to routing, not need.

Meloy Mattfield lives on the orange route, and he has a trail and spends a lot of time on that trail.  He wanted to know what a safe distance from the power line would be, given that he’s in the area regularly, and has grandchildren who are often there too.  He got the usual “causation has not been established” and was referred to the application section on EMF.  Later I was able to interject info about the epidemiological association of EMF with childhood leukemia.

Here are some articles with links from powerlinefacts.com (website accessible via Wayback).

Here are some specifics from the routing application, and note there is no disclosure of the amps:

EMF1_RPA_Book1,Part2EMF2_RPA Book1There is more in Appendix I, so here it is — but note that it only relates to electric fields — is there more info somewhere?

20144-98342-04_Initial Filing – RPA_Appendix I

How to determine what’s safe?  Buy a gauss meter (some are cheap, some are not) and measure powerlines starting at the centerline, and moving out (when they’re running, ramped up!).  Keeping away from it until levels are under 2 mG would be a good bet.

Sally Sedgwick was concerned about the scenic wilderness southeast of Effie, and noted that even if the line creates a benefit for one area, is it acceptable to burden another with this line?  She requested that the line be co-located with pre-existing transmission )PUC pay attention, because that’s the requirement of PEER too).

PEER – use existing corridor!

She also asked what percentage of the MP budget is devoted to getting this permit.  It wasn’t clear to me whether this meant what % of MP’s budget is focused on getting this permit or what % of the line’s budget is permitting costs.  The latter was answered, as 1% of project costs are permitting costs.

She was also concerned about reduction of jobs at Boswell.  That seems inevitable, as it looks like they’ve retrofitted Boswell 4, are retrofitting 3, and are evaluating what to do about 1 & 2 (which are likely smaller and older units).  Moeller noted that Hoyt Lakes will be converted from coal to gas.

Moeller also stated that increased transfer capability attributable to this project is 883 MW (if so, why build such a large project).  I asked whether they’d be willing to limit it to that, as with the Arrowhead-Weston line with its 800 MW phase shifting transformer condition as part of the permit, and I got questioning looks and deferral to the evidentiary hearing.

Dean Sedgwick had a few interesting questions too!

How many lines would be reduced or eliminated with this?  None.

NOx, look at it and do comparison of generation?  None.

Line losses?  Answered with information about comparative voltages for transmitting electricity, and that this was best (includes all of eastern interconnect!).

What is impact of becoming dependent on a single point source (Manitoba Hydro) for such a large component of generation?  A: Not restrictive.  Working to be less reliant on coal.

Back of envelope calculation, 625/kW, higher cost for this project.  Is this the least cost option?  Coal is a low cost energy generator, is this lower cost than coal?  A: Wind and hydro are lowest cost, no fuel cost.  Have had issues with coal transport, and looking at rule changes.  They’re “not saying that adding this will offset coal, it might change dispatch” (which means to me that this project opens door to marketing their coal elsewhere, at the eastern end of the line).

He also had concerns about the change of rates through using a time of day supply, and the variability of those rates.

Is biomass part of the mix MP looks at?  Yes, but supply is issue (Moeller mentioned “railroad ties,” oh great, let’s breathe some of that!!).

Richard Reinhart lives between the orange and the blue options, 4.5 miles west of Hwy. 65.  Why no use the existing route?  If they make a new corridor, they don’t have the way to repair line.  Could build a larger line and remove the smaller one on that corridor.  If you did that, you’d be saving ecology, saving forest, and saving yourself a lot of trouble.  It’s claimed to be needed for more power, but Hibbing Taconite is likely  to close, and Essar, most of us will be dead by the time that gets going, if ever.

Mattfield agreed, that these places will be closing down, the supply is limited, 30 years or so, and that’s about up.

Gail Blackmer also urged them to use the existing corridor close th Hwy. 65.  She’s a resident on Deer Lake, and it would go between county and state camping areas.  Utilize the existing line, realize this is not a route hearing, but this is important.

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Filed under Certificate of Need

MP Updates to Info Request Responses


Minnesota Power has submitted some updated responses to Intervenor Information Requests.  The New Tie Line Loop Flow Impact Study Report-Rev1-FINAL is the most important update to the IRs :

RRANT – Overland – Cover Letter 9.24.14

RRANT IR 002 Supplemental – FINAL

New Tie Line Loop Flow Impact Study Report-Rev1-FINAL

Updates to Dept. of Commerce IRs (also re: new study!):

DOC – Hofschulte – Cover Letter 9.24.14

DOC IR 008 Supplemental – FINAL

New Tie Line Loop Flow Impact Study Report-Rev1-FINAL

Updates to Large Power Intervenors’ IRs:

LPI – Moratzka – Cover Letter 10.2.14

LPI IR 020 – Supplemental – FINAL


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Filed under Certificate of Need, Information Requests

Public Hearings for GNTL Certificate of Need

Apologies, I’ve been out of town and didn’t get last week’s hearings posted.  Here is the schedule for this next week, hearings next Tuesday and Wednesday on the Great Northern Transmission Line:

HearingSched_Oct14-15Now is the time to weigh in on need.  It’s now or never…


Below is the PUC’s abbreviated version of Certificate of Need process — we’re now at the “Public Hearing” stage, before the Evidentiary Hearing to be held next month.

PUC Process-Edited

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PUC Order on “Workgroup” f/k/a Task Force

11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
September 30, 2014
Timberlake Lodge
114 S.E. 17th
Grand Rapids, MN
Here’s the written order for the PUC’s decision last Thursday on the Workgroup formerly known as Advisory Task Force:
When will the workgroup meetings be held?  End of September, beginning of October?
Contact Bill Storm, Commerce:
651-539-1844 or 1-800-657-3794

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Filed under Routing Docket

Direct Testimony Filed!


Here we go — it’s testimony time.  Yesterday the “Large Utility Intervenors” and Commerce DER filed their Direct Testimony.




Large Utility Intervenors:



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Filed under Certificate of Need

PUC CoN & Siting/Routing FINAL Rulemaking meeting

DraftIt’s final… that is, the FINAL meeting notice was just issued, one more go round on these draft rules for Certificate of Need (Minn. R. Ch. 7849) and Power Plant Siting Act (siting and routing of utility infrastructure) (Minn. R. Ch. 7850).

We’ve been at this for about a year and a half, maybe more, and to some extent we’re going round and round and round.

Here are the September 2014 drafts, hot off the press:

September Draft 7849

September Draft 7850

Send your comments, meaning SPECIFIC comments, not “THIS SUCKS” but comments on the order of “because of _______, proposed language for 7950.xxxx should be amended to say_______.”  It’s a bit of work, but it’s important, for instance, the Advisory Task Force parts are important because we were just before the PUC on this last week, trying to reinforce that Task Force’s are necessary, despite Commerce efforts to eliminate and/or neuter them.  That despite ALJ orders otherwise, the Final EIS should be in the record BEFORE the Public Hearings and Evidentiary Hearings (just lost a Motion to require this last month).

How can you comment?  The best way is to fire off an email to the Commission’s staff person leading this group:


If you’re up to it, sign up on the PUC’s eDockets, and file your Comment in Docket 12-1246.  If you’d like your comment filed there, and can’t figure it out, please send it to me and I’ll file it for you.  It’s important that these comments be made in a way that the Commission will SEE, in a way that they cannot ignore, when this comes up before them.

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Filed under 7850, Certificate of Need, Environmental Review, PUC Filings, PUC Rulemaking Ch. 7849

Today PUC approves “work group” but…


Today at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Item 5 on the agenda, before the Sandpiper Pipeline (busy day), was the Dept. of Commerce request for reconsideration of the Commission’s order authorizing 3 Advisory Task Forces for the scoping and routing of the Great Northern Transmission Project.

Again, here’s the background:

Original PUC Task Force Authorizaiton_20147-101165-01

Commerce Request to Reconsider Task Forces

Notice of Comment Period


Overland_CATF Comments (filed as individual, RRANT has intervened in only the Certificate of Need docket)

PUC Staff Briefing Papers_Citizens Advisory Task Force_20149-102831-01

Commerce CATF Comments_20149-102886-01

At today’s meeting, Bill Storm, Commerce (he was the one on the Excelsior Energy Mesaba Project siting docket) spoke and explained his proposal, how he would organize a workgroup as proposed by Mike Kaluzniak, PUC staff:

  • 2 meetings!  He claimed no time for more because he has three weeks of hearings on the GNTL CoN 12-1053 — not true, there are 4 meetings, T & W, for two weeks, that’s 4 days, two weeks, not three weeks by any stretch, well, maybe if he rode up there on a horse, otherwise, nope.  See Public Hearings for GNTL in October
  • 1st meeting — 30 of September or 1st of October.  Draft Scoping out 9/30.
  • 2nd meeting — digest everything and address further issues and additional alternatives
  • 10/31 — Amend/Append the Scoping Summary
  • 11/20 — Scoping Record goes to Public Utilities Commission for review/approval.

I was given some time, and noted that I was making comments as an individual, and not in the course of representing any party, that RRANT had intervened only in the GNTL Certificate of Need docket (12-1053), and that Advisory Task Forces was a fundamental issue of mine, and that Minn. Stat. 216E.08 noted that public participation was the fundamental premise of the Power Plant Siting Act and that it was not to be limited to hearings and Advisory Task Forces.  In this case, when soliciting Task Force members, the public wasn’t even notified, because there were no published requests for applications, and letters went out only to local governments, and one NGO (local Izaak Walton League chapter) and the Minnesota Forest Resources Council.  That’s it.  Here are the results of those mailings and follow up calls:


So many were not reached, and how was it determined who to call?  Worse, look at how it was presented who could participate:


Sure, the 4th one makes sense, but the first one?  “The person cannot be a(sic) unaffiliated member of the public appointed by the LGU to serve on the task force.”  Says who?  NOT OK.  In my comments I stressed that Commerce has long been a problem when it comes to Task Forces, objection to Petitions for Task Forces, and when they’re authorized, Commerce and its “facilitator” try to focus on “Land Use” and in limiting issues and concerns rather than using it as a brainstorming session to assure all relevant issues are raised.  See I’m asking you to leave…

And I’d asked that the public be allowed a comment period at the end.  Storm objected, saying he didn’t want to delay the process and didn’t want to have to integrate the public into the workgroup.  Hello — a comment period at the end is not “integrating into the workgroup,” but then again, the public SHOULD be integrated into the workgroup.

I’d also noted that this is 2014, and that if all the local governments are being emailed a questionnaire regarding local issues, features, alternate routes, that it’d be very simple to provide notice that a meeting IS occurring on X date and to show up if you’re interested.  Nope, apparently that’s too much to ask.  So I guess I’ll have to do the advocate’s thing and spread the word about that upcoming meeting, which IS a public meeting.

So, these were the decision options for the Commission today:

9-11-2014 Decision Options

There were suggestions for 3c — change “once” to “before” and “proposed” with “possible” and those were accepted.  I asked that 3a be amended to add “and opportunity for public comment at meetings.”  Some agreement that that would be good, but it was dropped along the side of the road.

Motion by Comm. Wergin for A1, and 3 A-C with “possible” and “before” and limited to those local governmental units that had shown an interest.

But here’s the weird part.  At the end, Comm. Wergin made a rather long statement about her (but speaking in royal “we” language) confidence in Storm and his ability and willingness to be open to input, that if he’s in charge, all is well and good.

It’s unfortunate that the Advisory Task Force meetings for the Excelsior Energy Mesaba Project weren’t recorded, particularly that last one where the Task Force was railroaded to a most unfortunate position.

Yup, need to make sure that doesn’t happen again.


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Public Hearings for GNTL in October

High-Voltage-Warning-Sign-S-2217The notice was just issued for the public hearings for the Great Northern Transmission Line.  Be there or be square!


And here are the details:


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Filed under Certificate of Need, Hearings

Information Requests Responses


There have been MANY information request responses filed by Minnesota Power. Below are responses to IRs from the “Large Power Intervenors” and the Commerce DER.  Note that many are “Public Versions” meaning it’s essentially blank.  There’s a “Non-Disclosure Agreement” to be signed to get this info.  I thought I’d signed it, but I can’t find the “Top Secret” versions, and even if I had, well, couldn’t post them here.

question_marksThese are Responses to the Information Requests of the “Large Power Intervenors” received thus far:



LPI_IR_002.1 – Attachment Public

LPI_IR_002.2 – Attachment



LPI IR 003 & 004 Supplemental – FINAL



LPI IR 006.1 Attachment

LPI IR 006.2 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 006.3 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 006.4 Attachment

LPI IR 006.5 Attachment


LPI IR 007.1 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008 Public Version – FINAL

LPI IR 008.1 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008.2 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008.3 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008.4 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008.5 Attachment Public Version

LPI IR 008.6 Attachment Public Version



LPI IR 010.1 Attachment Public Version


LPI IR 011.1 Attachment Public Version


LPI IR 012.1 Attachment



LPI IR 014.1 Attachment Public Version


LPI IR 015.1 Attachment


LPI IR 017 – FINAL – Public Version

LPI IR 017.1 Attachment Public Version


LPI IR 019 – FINAL – Public Version

LPI IR 019.1 Attachment Public Version



LPI IR 029.1 Attachment




LPI IR 024.1 Attachment Public Version


LPI IR 025.1 Attachment


LPI IR 028 – FINAL – Public Version


LPI IR 030 – FINAL – Public Version

LPI IR 031 – FINAL – Public Version



DoC IR 1


20121102 Northern Area Study Presentation

20121105 MH Wind Synergy Study TRG Presentation_Updated

DOC IR 003.1 Attachment


DOC IR 010 Supplemental – FINAL

DOC IR 009 Supplemental – FINAL

DOC IR 009.1 Attachment

DOC IR 010.1 Attachment








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Filed under Certificate of Need, Information Requests