Video of PUC GNTL Oral Argument & Deliberation/Decision

Here’s the videos of this week’s Great Northern Transmission Line Oral Argument (May 13, 2015) and Deliberation/Decision (May 14, 2015) at the PUC:

Oral Argument – Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Deliberation/Decision – Thursday, May 14, 2015

And remember this map from the Northern Area Study, where the point is to get electricity from Manitoba through Minnesota, through Wisconsin, and on down towards Detroit — the Minnesota Power “Phase II” from Blackberry sub to Arrowhead (Duluth) sub was cancelled/postponed, so as proposed here, it stops at Blackberry:


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Filed under Certificate of Need, PUC Filings

Deliberation and Decision on GNTL at PUC today!

Right here, right now:

PUC Webcast

ALJ’s Recommendation_20153-108286-01

Staff Briefing Papers_20155-110199-01

Amended Findings of Fact and Decision Options_20155-110407-01

John Tuma as a Commissioner is surprising me, seems he’s really been doing his homework.  And Lipschultz, as always, is raising the right questions and doing some serious thinking.  These last two appointments have been good ones, it seems!

WOW, they’re saying that the calculation has not been done as to whether in the long run it is cheaper to pay Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) or Allowance For Used During Construction (AFUDC).  Then Tuma is noting CWIP is legislation, but it is only an option, not a requirement.  And no-one is noting that the CWIP option came in as part of the 2005 Transmission Bill from Hell.  As LPI notes, CWIP is not a mandate, and the burden of proof is on the Applicants to demonstrate that it is just and reasonable.  Moeller/MP claims it will be an additional $55 million for AFUDC rather than CWIP (and whines about harm to the company).  Moeller DOES admit that the CWIP legislation incentives transmission, DOH!

Heydinger is wanting to modify the ALJ’s Recommendation, to take out some “editorial” comments.  Strike paragraph 316 regarding “rate shock” and alter first part of FOF 317 about whether requiring AFUDC would harm MP…

Commissioner Lange is talking about approving CoN, that Commerce confirmed the load forecast, and that the Commission has had to revise prior decisions and that she takes that to heart.  Also takes into account the question of Manitoba Hydro’s interest.

Tuma also raises the needs of MP and its customers, and noted legislature wants us to think regionally, and that we’re mandated to figure it out.

Commissioner Wergin is not all that concerned about regional, they’ve been a good neighbor, they’re part of MISO.  And later, I’m amazed at how smooth the end result has been… I think that the company has followed through with informing the public… that has a lot to do with how smooth this has gone.

… sigh…

Certificate of Need approved.

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ALJ files Recommendation for PUC


The Administrative Law Judge has issued her Recommendation, that the Certificate of Need be granted, for the Great Northern Transmission Line.


More on this later — and there is testimony just filed in the Routing docket.  LOTS HAPPENING!

Just flied in the Routing docket, Minnesota Power Testimony — these are direct links to PUC site, and soon I’ll get around to downloading and posting individually:

20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_filing letter affidavit and service list.pdf. Filing Letter Affidavit and Service List
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_atkinson.pdf. James B. Atkinson Direct Testimony
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_atkinson_schedule 1.pdf. James B. Atkinson Direct Testimony Schedule 1
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_atkinson_schedule 2 part 1.pdf. James B. Atkinson Direct Testimony Schedule 2 Part 1
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_atkinson_schedule 2 part 2.pdf. James B. Atkinson Direct Testimony Schedule 2 Part 2
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_rolfes.pdf. Christina Rolfes Direct Testimony
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_tracy.pdf. Darel Tracy Direct Testimony
20150316_docket no. 14-21_mp_direct testimony_winter.pdf. Christian Winter Direct Testimony

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Filed under Certificate of Need, PUC Filings

URGENT – TOMORROW – HF 341 in Committee!


Tomorrow the House Jobs Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee will take up HF 341, see also SF 237, to provide an exemption from Certificate of Need for natural gas plants that sell power into the MISO market.

SAY WHAT?!?!?!

The Power Plant Siting Act, specifically Minn. Stat. 216E.04, Subd. 2(2) already gives natural gas plants a free ride by allowing “alternate review,” which is “review lite.”  For example, the “Simon Says” 325 MW natural gas plant that had been planned for Waseca would have been built.  The 700-800 MW Sunrise River Station by the Chisago sub would have been built.  WHY?  Should a community be subject to living with a HUGE natural gas plant without regulation?  Nope, no way, no how.  Plus who will pay for the transmission interconnection, and how will that be regulated, both “need” and routing… and then there’s eminent domain!  What’s the impact on Minnesota utilities and their service territory?

Here are the Authors’ emails — contact them today:,,

Here are the Committee member emails — contact them today:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Please let them know how important it is that we continue to regulate natural gas plants.  A power plants is large, expensive infrastructure with large, costly impacts, and should only be built when and where needed, after a full Certificate of Need and Siting review.

Here’s an example of how it went in Waseca when they tried to bootstrap a larger plant onto an already approve very small plant — short version?  It didn’t go:

Blooming Grove Township — Sen. Dick Day shows his true colors

And in Chisago County where they tried to ram through a HUGE plant on the Sunrise River and pull out large amounts of water — short version?  It didn’t go:

LS Power’s Sunrise River plant voted DOWN!

Lent Twp voters say NO! to LS Power

LS Power’s Sunrise River Energy in the news

Report on Monday Chisago meeting

500+ give LS Power a piece of their mind

What about the Mesaba Project which has a site permit good until 2019, and which couldn’t demonstrate either “need” or that it would provide reasonably priced electricity — under this bill, a large natural gas plant could go up on that site without any further review!  More info HERE on Mesaba Project!

That’s what communities think of having a natural gas plant using their water, making noise, being lit up 24/7, and all for the profit of some absentee corporate owner:  Thanks, but NO THANKS!

Here’s the agenda for tomorrow:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

12:45 PM

Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
Overview of natural gas issues in Minnesota.If you wish to testify on HF341, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant, Jonathan Fortner, at
HF341 – (Swedzinski): Requirement to obtain certificate of need prior to construction of a natural gas plant generating electricity that is exported from the state eliminated.
Here’s the full text of HF 341:

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Invitation to Consult on GNTL


Interesting letter arrived today:

GNTL_Invitation to Consult

It says that “DOE is contacting you because you submitted comment(s) related to cultural resources during the open NEPA public scoping period for the proposed GNTL project.”

RRANT Scoping Comment


So what does that mean? What’s involved?  Sending info to them?  Sending more Comments?  Attending meetings? A free trip to D.C?  A self-funded trip to International Falls in February?

“Consultation” is a term of art in federal permitting, and is required with all Indian tribes, of which there are several in the area of the project.  In this case, they also specify “the State Historic Preservation Officer” and “the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation,” and also “certain individuals and organizations…”

Here’s the  National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA)

Working with Section 106

Energy Development, Transmission and Historic Preservation

Are “historical resources” all that they’re concerned about, is there a special category for “cultural resources?”  Or are different people invited to consult on different categories?

And if this is something I want to do, and it is, I have to “include information about your demonstrated legal or economic relation to the undertaking” … (odd word, that)… ” or to properties potentially affected by the proposed GNTL project…”

UntitledGuess I’d better figure out what I said in those comments first!

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Filed under DOE (Dept of Energy), Presidential Permit

Reply Briefs are filed!


Reply Briefs for the Great Northern Transmission Line docket are in:

RRANT Reply Brief

Large Power Intervenors Reply Brief

Large Power Intervenor_FOF

Dept of Commerce Reply Brief

Minnesota Power Reply Brief

Time to take a break and then try on a few for size!

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Filed under Certificate of Need, PUC Filings

Initial Briefs filed


Initial Briefs filed thus far (they’re due by 4:30).

Minnesota Power – Initial Brief_201412-105592-02

       Minnesota Power – ProposedFindings_201412-105592-03

RRANT – Initial Brief

Commerce – Initial  Brief_201412-105596-02

I’ve not seen one yet from “Large Power Intervenors” — where arrrrrrrre you?!?!

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Filed under Certificate of Need, Need, PUC Filings

12/19 – Annual Hearing – Power Plant Siting Act

It’s that time of year… the time that we get to tell the Public Utilities Commission what does and does not work about the Power Plant Siting Act.  We’ve been doing it for years, 15 or so years, and have spent over a year now in a rulemaking on the PUC’s rules, Ch. 7849 (Certificate of Need) and Ch. 7850 (Power Plant & Transmission Siting) where some of these long complained of problems will be address (with any luck).  And now, again, it’s time to reinforce those comments with another round of comments:

How to file comments?  From the Notice:


After the hearing, now officiated by an Administrative Law Judge (new as of a few years ago), a report is issued to the PUC and then ???  It used to go to the legislature, and the EQB, and so guess I have to find out what happens now.  Hopefully it’s more than just filing in the docket.

December 19, 2014 beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Public Utilities Commission

3rd Floor Large Hearing Room

121 – 7th Place East

St. Paul, MN  55101

Each of you who have experience siting and routing of large electric energy facilities — this is the time to weigh in.  Remember that this is NOT project specific, it’s not about where a project goes of whether it does, but it’s about how the process works or doesn’t, so for example, it’s the time to let them know that notice isn’t being provided, or that witnesses should be sworn on oath so that testimony will be given more weight, etc.  You can do it in person, and you can do it by filing comments.

Here is the Power Plant Siting Act, which governs the siting and routing of large energy facilities:

Power Plant Siting Act – 216E

Here are some prior dockets (to access the entire docket, individual comments, etc., go to the PUC’s “SEARCH” site and plug in the docket numbers :

2000 Summary of Proceedings

2000 Report EQB

2001 Summary of Proceedings

2001 Report EQB

2002 Summary of Proceedings

2002 Report to EQB

2003 Summary of Proceedings

2003 Report to EQB

2004 Summary of Proceedings

2004 Report to EQB

2005 Report to PUC

2006 Report to PUC – Docket 06-1733

2007 Report to PUC – Docket 07-1579

2008 Report to PUC – Docket 08-1426

2009 Report to PUC – Docket 09-1351

2010 Report to PUC – Docket 10-222

2011 Report to PUC – Docket 11-324

2012 Report – Docket 12-360 –2012 Report Exhibits

2013 Report  – Docket 13-9650143-96999-01

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Filed under Hearings

Write your Comments today and send to PUC!


It’s time to write your Comments about the Great Northern Transmission Line. This is in the Certificate of Need docket, so focus on whether this transmission project is needed or not, whether it’s for a private purpose or a public purpose and what that purpose is, and whether a megahuge 500 kV line is needed for the PPAs Minnesota Power claims to have lined up, i.e., 250 MW + 133 MW.

The deadline for public comments is this coming Wednesday, December 3, 2014.

Notice of Public Hearing & Comment

Here’s the part that relates to Public Comments – please note that comments should be sent to “” or faxed or mailed.  In a recent proceeding the comments that were directly eFiled were not included, only those sent as requested were included. SO LISTEN UP!

Send your comments using this format, with docket numbers on them, by 4:30 p.m. to address as below:

12Once more with feeling — send your comments, clearly, largely, referencing docket numbers PUC-E-015/CN-12-1163 and OAH 65-2500-31196, by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3, to:


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Rebuttal Testimony filed in GNTL Certificate of Need docket

overviewmapMISO map showing the point behind this project

Rebuttal testimony has been filed by the Applicant Minnesota Power and Dept. of Commerce Division of Energy Resorces (DoC-DER):

MP Testiony_Donohue_Rebuttal_201410-104117-02



The evidentiary hearing for this project begins on November 12, just over two weeks away!

Here’s the rest of the Minnesota Testimony filed previously:



MP_Testimony_Hobert_Direct_20148-102147-06 MP_Testimony_Hobert_Direct_Sched2_20148-102147-06-2 MP_Testimony_Hobert_Direct_Sched3_20148-102147-06 MP_Testimony_Hobert_Direct_Sched4_20148-102147-06-2







Large Utility Intervenors:



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Filed under Certificate of Need