Monthly Archives: February 2018

RRANT applies as Commenter in Canada

RRANT, Residents and Ratepayers Against Not-so-Great-Northern Transmission have filed to be a “Commenter” in Canada’s National Energy Board proceeding for the “Manitoba-Minnesota” transmission line, the Canada portion of Great Northern Transmission Line.  It’ll address both need and route, but particularly need.

This transmission project is HUGE, it’s a bundled 500 kV line with the capacity of Susquehanna-Roseland, over 4,000 MVA!  And it is yet another transmission project that isn’t needed, and is designed 8+ times too large for the stated/claimed need and the Presidential Permit, particularly because one dam was admittedly not needed.

Hold yer horses, Conawapa…

And in Minnesota, it was weird… for routing, people did not get proper notice, and agency comments were being hidden off in the EIS and not incorporated into the hearing record, comments that were oh-so-relevant in routing, so I did have to raise a stink about that:

Transcript (partial)_8-13-2015

So on to Ccanada… Oh, Canadda!!! How will this go in Canada?  Why the NEB process?

Here’s the HEARING ORDER: A88851-1 NEB – Letter – Manitoba Hydro – MMTP – Hearing Order EH-001-2017 – A5Y6X8

How to participate? GUIDANCE HERE!

Much is already online, and they have the filings up and will utilize what’s been filed thus far, and those intervenors in the earlier Canadian process are intervenors in this one.

Here’s the Canadian docket with the Application.

The Minnesota part of this project required a lot of travel, and testing out the “new” camper in Big Bog State Park (never again, way too hot and humid, what a mosquito and fly hell hole!).  The rain was so intense that the Rainy River was over its banks, water in all the ditches, covering roads.  That was July 2014, and I’m still brushing and vacuuming fly carcases out of the recesses of screens!

We’ll see what Canada has to say about this!  No, not high hopes…


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Filed under Canada permitting, Hearings