Today Comments were due on Minnesota Power’s Great Northern Transmission Line. I’m sorry, but I just can’t bring myself to call a transmission line “Great” and that’s just how it is… Anyway, Minnesota Power is getting ready to file a Certificate of Need application, this is the lead up, what they have to do to provide notice to people when they actually file. So here’s their draft plan:
Minnesota Power’s Notice Plan for Great Northern Transmission Line
Comments on that plan were due today. Here’s what I filed:
Here’s what Commerce filed earlier today:
Haven’t gotten word on any others.
To keep an eye on what’s going on in this docket, go HERE and search for docket 12-1163.
A little sidebar here — while looking for a logo, some things popped out — did you know that Minnesota Power sponsors, with the Lignite Energy Council, a “Teachers Seminar” on coal? It’s the only teacher workshop listed, though there are multiple listings under “School Programs” and “Educational Materials.”
OH MY! Check their “Electricity 101” pdf:
p. 7:
1929—Stock market crash revealed that many holding companies were over-leveraged
–As a result, federal and state governments strengthened utility regulation.
There are some interesting charts and graphs in Electricity 101 that are interesting and that I’d like to see updated. Hear that, MP!?!?!