It’s time to write your Comments about the Great Northern Transmission Line. This is in the Certificate of Need docket, so focus on whether this transmission project is needed or not, whether it’s for a private purpose or a public purpose and what that purpose is, and whether a megahuge 500 kV line is needed for the PPAs Minnesota Power claims to have lined up, i.e., 250 MW + 133 MW.
The deadline for public comments is this coming Wednesday, December 3, 2014.
Here’s the part that relates to Public Comments – please note that comments should be sent to “” or faxed or mailed. In a recent proceeding the comments that were directly eFiled were not included, only those sent as requested were included. SO LISTEN UP!
Send your comments using this format, with docket numbers on them, by 4:30 p.m. to address as below:
Once more with feeling — send your comments, clearly, largely, referencing docket numbers PUC-E-015/CN-12-1163 and OAH 65-2500-31196, by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3, to: