Donate!!! Yes, you!! See that “PayPal” button up to the right? Join the challenge to transmission that they don’t need and we don’t want! Residents and Ratepayers Against Not-so-Great-Northern Transmission, an ad hoc advocacy association, has Intervened in the Certificate of Need, a public interest intervention focused on showing up to weigh in on the big picture issues (Important note, we’re aiding public participation, but not taking a position on route.).
If you’re finding this info is helpful, if you’re glad to learn about Buy the Farm, if you need a heads up on Comment Periods, or an explanation how this permitting process works, if that’s at all useful to you, please make a donation to cover some of the costs. Costs? Yes, though it’s done on the cheap, there’s been many road trips, copying costs, time participating in hearings, Prehearing Conference, Data Requests, internet and phone… and it’s just beginning. Every little bit helps — just $50 covers copying costs for one series of hearings! Each road trip, for Minnesota Power meetings, DOE Scoping meetings, costs at least $300.00.
Please give that PayPal button a click and help keep the electricity on (!) and information flowing!!! Thanks for your consideration — and see you at the next meeting!
Carol A. Overland Legalectric 1110 West Avenue Red Wing, MN 55066 Attorney for Residents and Ratepayers Against Not-so-Great-Northern Transmission