Scoping meetings — again — but this time it’s the DOE! And Minnesota Dept. of Commerce for the Routing Permit. You may ask why so many scoping meetings, it does get confusing. The Dept. of Energy has been asked to issue a Presidential Permit for the border crossing for this project between Manitoba and Minnesota. So in addition to the TWO proceedings before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, there’s another federal docket for this Presidential Permit (scroll down to bottom of this post for that application). The Environmental Impact Statement for the state Routing Permit and the federal Routing Permit will be done by Commerce, and it will be more intense than their “Environmental Report” for the state Certificate of Need.
So here we go again, it’s time to show up/write comments for this much more thorough Environmental Impact Statement.
Comments are due by August 11, 2014. Send comments to:
Julie Ann Smith Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE-20) U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW. Washington, DC 20585Via email:
Wednesday, July 23, 2014:
Thursday, July 24, 2014:
Here’s the Federal Register Notice:
Presidential Permit Application
- Presidential Permit Executive Summary
- Presidential Permit Application Book 1
- Appendix A Mapbook Book 2
- Appendix B Segment Calcs Book 2
- Appendix C Pub Agency Involvement Book 3
- Appendix D Infrastructure Book 3
- Appendix E Methods and Regulations Book 3
- Appendix F Noise Summary Tables Plots Book 3
- Appendix G Phase IA Literature Search Book 3
- Appendix H Landowner List Book 3
- Appendix I Electric Magnetic Fields Book 3
- Appendix J Opinion of Council Book 3
- Appendix K Power Flow Analysis Book 3
To look at the full Public Utilities Commission dockets, go to the “Search Dockets” page and search for docket 14-21 (Routing docket) or 12-1163 (Certificate of Need). Everything in the record is there.